8 guaranteed tips for building muscle mass

It’s like a change of seasons: First build your muscles hard and then you see the results. While it looks easy, if you get it wrong you can lose most of your muscle. Building the muscles requires more than reducing calorie consumption and adding several hours of cardio exercise per week. Many people choose this route, although it should be remembered that they will lose muscle mass in the process.

Let’s try it wisely. We’ll show you 8 tips for building muscle mass.

1. L-Carnitine Supplementation

Regular use of L-Carnitine can increase the use of body fat for fuel instead of glucose during exercise. It can also improve your exercise performance. [1] According to studies from Connecticut University, 2 grams of L-carnitine per day can muscle fatigue and other biological indicators for regeneration decrease . Regular use of L-carnitine can increase the amount of androgen receptors in muscle cells.


2. Get rid of unhealthy foods

Anytime you want to get rid of body fat, look for ways to eliminate foods that are full of refined sugars and other unhealthy ones Ingredients are. Don’t do it the way you cut out proteins, fats, or carbohydrates. Choose the healthy diet that contains all three macronutrients. Outwardly and internally, focus on lean proteins, fruits and vegetables with deep colors. These are, for example, sweet potatoes, black rice or avocado. The already mentioned restriction of your food choices to available foods makes it easier for you to resist the snacks.

Befreien Sie sich von ungesunden Lebensmitteln

It is easier to meet your body’s standards when you combine foods that are not processed because they contain a high amount of minerals and vitamins . When you are on a diet, you are low in calories, leaving you with few opportunities to meet your body’s nutritional standards. In education, focus on quality foods and nutrition to get all the nutritional values ​​the body needs.

3. Plan Forward

Successful weight loss requires “the plan of the game” that includes stress management. If you are thinking about how to lose weight all day , chances are you will feel the increased levels of cortisol. Chronic increases in this hormone can cause problems with muscle tissue and the immune system . You can eat healthily, use supplements, and exercise vigorously, but if you are stressed all the time, you are likely to be weakening what you’ve achieved so hard – your muscles.

Planen Sie vorwärts

Effective nutritional regimen planning begins with knowing how many calories to consume and how many macronutrients to get from each group. Writing it down in a journal or an application where you can track your progress can help.

4. Quality sleep is the foundation

Many people think that fat burning only happens in the gym. This is only part of the equation. If you have chronic sleep problems, this can result in a decreased metabolic rate, poor insulin sensitivity, and obesity. [3] When you sleep well, you have more control over which meal you eat, and that way you avoid overeating at night. You have more energy that can be used effectively during training.

8 garantierte Tipps zur Muskelmassebildung - Qualitätsschlaf ist die Basis

5. Get More, Not Less Protein

If there’s one macronutrient you should be getting while sculpting, it’s protein . Adding a high amount of protein to your eating plan can help reduce hunger, stabilize blood sugar levels and nd start your metabolism . All of this is very important to you now. In contrast to carbohydrates and fats, protein-rich foods need more energy for digestion and fat burning. Whenever you consume high protein foods, allow yourself time to digest and drink enough water to ensure your metabolism is accelerated.

Erhalten Sie mehr und nicht weniger Proteine

Many people think that their protein needs decrease while dieting. On the contrary, you can even consume more protein during the shaping phase. Your body gets energy from other sources, so it can use protein as fuel.

6. Use interval training

What are you waiting for if you haven’t tried interval training? As noted in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism , interval training is better than “classic” training when it comes to fat loss, even though both workouts have the same amount of total calories is burned. That does not mean that you have to do interval sprints four days a week on the treadmill or on the stationary bike . Participate in interval training by doing a series of “burpees” among the main weight exercises.

Verwenden Sie Intervalltrainings

7. Don’t overdo it with liquid calories, including protein shakes

Drinking protein shakers after a workout is great, we even recommend it. But drinking high-calorie drinks during the day is not the way to go. The problem with liquid calories is that they don’t feed you like solid calories , so they don’t do much to decrease your appetite at each meal. If you are receiving 300-400 liquid calories a day and they don’t count towards your daily calories, it won’t be long before these superfluous calories will start showing up in your body. During the ripping phase, it is ideal to drink plain water, black coffee, green or fruit tea, mineral water without sugar or your pre-training supplement.

Übertreiben Sie nicht mit flüssigen Kalorien

8. The molding phase can be tough. Don’t give up!

The last tip we have for you is to be realistic within the expected results . Remember that as your muscles are used more, fat loss will slower. If you want to lose 10 kilograms, the first two kilograms should be lost without a problem if you have some training experience. If you are a beginner in exercise and nutrition, your body will be working against you for the first few days. be patient! After your body gets used to burning more calories than it is consuming, it will be more effective if you use fat as an energy fuel.

After the first two pounds lost, the next two will get harder, but you can struggle with it. But what about the last 10 kilograms? It takes hard work. Be realistic about the effort you will need to make to reach your goal.

Weight loss is not monotonous, some weeks are better than others. During the time you are experiencing these fluctuations, don’t give up even though you don’t see the results . You will gradually reach your goal. If you want some inspiration with the ripping exercises, check out our article: 8 Best Exercises To Build Muscle.

Do you have any guaranteed tips that you use to build muscle? Write your answer in the comments, and if you like the article, support it by sharing it.


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